Hey, I have guests, and it's pretty nice to have a guest network for them with a shitty password that I remember. This is something that everyone with an IPTV set-top-box on their network should know. As it turns out this comes at a price, running the guest portal puts some strain on the AP's CPU which is basically cutting your throughput in half. This does not mean that you should cut your expected speeds in half, but it shows there is more to WiFi throughput numbers than meets the eye. The LR is a bit of a safe choice. Below is basically an account of my thought process for troubleshooting this low throughput. unifi controller 2.4.5

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unifi controller 2.4.5

Today most of uniifi "network encounters" mainly comes from setting up virtual networks in Azure. The first thing to check of my troubleshooting list was of course channel interference.

It's huge, solid, heavy and awesome. This is an advanced feature, probably for good reasons and results may vary here, for me with mostly quite modern clients it seems to have helped uniif lot. To me, it certainly sounded a lot better than the cheaper "Lite" version.

Need controller software for Unifi | Ubiquiti Community

There are actually two IEEE standards For example, for your AP's this allows "Band Steering". In short, WiFi is not Ethernet unii a cable.

As mentioned one of the things I got for free when setting up the UniFi stuff was an unstable network. The switch was now switched! Which is not a given.

Lessons Learned from deploying a UniFi network at home

That said all my neighbors up, down, left and right all had their WiFi running and to make things worse I live close to a hotel with a HUGE amount of 2. In terms of hardware, Ubiquiti doesn't leave you disappointed either. Don't blindly trust everything the WiFi gurus on the UniFi community recommends. In terms of network equipment and WLANs, my aim has been to know as little as possible. Hopefully that PoE injector will produce the type of PoE you actually need.

Of course not, but it took a while for me to figure out how to get to Wifi Supremacy. Thing is UniFi has this concept called "advanced mode" in your controller software. Band steering options for an AP, after advanced mode was activated. The somewhat Ethernet comparable 5.

Most of the recommendations I've seen on Unifi's forum where to go with 20Mhz wide channels, though keep in mind that these were mainly for business applications. Another thing that I found by just casually browsing the UniFi community forums was a lot of mentions of turning the transmit power mode to low, especially when talking about the AP AC LR.

Turns out I should probably have gone with the Lite. This meant the 5Ghz spectrum was very clear. I also got fed up by having to start and stop the controller all the time. One of the many differences between a Mbps WiFi connection and a Mbps Ethernet connection is that the Ethernet connection is Full-Duplex, that means you can both send and receive Mbps at any point in time.

Turned out throwing money on the problem did not solve it completely but I got one hell of a switch, this thing is a beast, looks extremely professional it even has SFP ports which are pretty darn cool.

unifi controller 2.4.5

For example, if the amount of AP's you can deploy is limited, coverage rather than speed for both 5 and 2. I aim to guide you through these.

unifi controller 2.4.5

A bit naively I thought, You don't want to get the cheapest version, do you. But mainly it supports all different kinds of PoE and I contrller had up to 8 PoE ports which meant I was in this for the long run.

Installation So ready to take on the world with my new networking purchases.

Some people on the UniFi community had reported some weird stuff when not having the controller software continuously running so maybe this was the problem.

Being a software developer, I naturally wanted all of this to be built upon on a robust, solid and extensible backbone. The switches feel very solid and the AP's even though they weigh next to nothing also feels qualitative.

Now, in the end, I ended up spending a lot more than expected but that's another story.


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